Social media can help healthcare organizations advertise services, engage with patients, and foster a sense of community. However, one slip, and you might unintentionally break the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules, which could lead to severe consequences.
HIPAA and social media: Violations, consequences, and tips
Most essential cybersecurity training topics to safeguard your business
It’s no secret that cybersecurity has become a necessity for small businesses. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, grasping the fundamentals of cybersecurity is not only crucial for safeguarding your operations, but also for keeping your business from becoming a gateway to more widespread attacks.
How to stay HIPAA-compliant on social media
Social media networks can be used by healthcare organizations to advertise their services as well as communicate with patients and get them more involved in their own healthcare. However, there’s always a risk that Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules and patient privacy will be violated on social media networks.
How to secure your personal information on Facebook and Twitter
Millions of people use social media every day to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, and more. However, many don’t realize that they are also putting their personal data at risk by not taking the proper precautions to safeguard their accounts.
How does social media usage affect HIPAA compliance?
Social media can be an effective tool for sharing experiences, building professional connections, and broadcasting conventional healthcare announcements. However, posts that contain client or patient-specific information can have dire consequences for healthcare organizations.
How to use Twitter to grow your business
Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms for businesses because it enables them to focus on public conversation and exposure. Businesses use Twitter to engage their customers and update them on various business activities and news. Follow these tips on how to make the most out of Twitter for your business.
4 Biggest Facebook marketing mistakes
Facebook makes it possible for companies to showcase their products and services to targeted prospects more effectively and take their online presence to the next level. However, many businesses are struggling to get the results they want from Facebook marketing despite having spent large amounts of money.
Diffuse negative online comments the right way
Current trends show that personalized interactions help establish a business’s persona or identity with prospective customers. This makes the business more relatable and therefore more attractive to more consumers. To use this opportunity properly, social media managers should know how to keep their wits together, especially in the face of negativity online.
Social media tools for businesses
Social media has proven to be a powerful promotional tool in its most basic form — and even more so if deployed strategically and with enhancement tools. Read on to learn more about apps and other tools that can boost your social media strategy.
Having great content on your site is the magnet that attracts visitors.
Turn Instagram followers into customers
Instagram has gone from an app that shares puppy photos with vintage-themed filters, to a marketing tool that savvy businesses are taking advantage of. The photo-sharing giant has a billion monthly active users, making it an ideal online marketplace.