
Maximize your efficiency with these Outlook tips

Countless companies prefer Microsoft Outlook over other web-based email and calendar services because of its ease of use and convenience. Aside from being handy for managing business communications and setting up meetings, it can be used for coordinating projects and organizing contacts as well. Here’s a quick guide to making the most out of these […]

Tips to enhance your website’s look

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” the cliche goes. But in marketing, looks /do/ matter. Take, for example, your website. It is often the first opportunity to make a good impression on customers and potential customers. You don’t want to squander that opportunity just because your site’s looks aren’t up to par. Here’s how […]

Get a faster Windows 10 PC with these tips

Is your computer taking a lot of time to perform tasks it used to finish within seconds? Just because your unit is slowing down doesn’t mean you’ll need to spend hundreds of dollars on a replacement. We’ve compiled four ways to speed up your Windows 10 computer for free: Prevent programs from launching at startup […]

Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Over the past few years, the security industry has witnessed a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware. Now, cybercriminals use legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities like unauthorized data retrieval or data damage. Left unchecked, these types of malware can adversely affect […]

The benefits of syncing your Android phone with Google Chrome

Most people nowadays swap between their computer and their smartphone for their productivity needs — from work to passion projects to simply running their daily lives. It’s simpler than ever to do so, thanks to Google Chrome’s sync-up features for Android phones. Send directions from your laptop to your Android phone While Google Maps works […]

Myth busted: Macs are NOT immune to viruses

It is common knowledge that Windows computers tend to deal with an assortment of viruses and malware, but many people fail to realize that even Macs face similar threats. As virus creators have become more adept at finding back doors and other vulnerabilities, more and more Macs have also fallen prey to malware. Here are […]

How to choose the best VoIP system for your business

Many industries now utilize Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for better communication quality and lower communication costs. Because there are many options, choosing the right solution for your business could be overwhelming. This guide will help you decide which VoIP system suits you best. What are proprietary systems? When most companies release VoIP software, such […]

7 Easy ways to prevent data loss in Microsoft 365

Microsoft understands the value of business data and the costly repercussions of losing it. That’s why they’ve released a slew of security and compliance tools for Microsoft 365 subscribers. But given the increasing sophistication and frequency of data breaches, these cloud security solutions aren’t enough to protect your files. You’ll need to follow these seven […]

Here’s how you can wow website visitors

Much like how we’re turned off by professionals who look disheveled, we leave websites that look ugly and messy. Follow our tips to get your website cleaned up nicely and make it ready to convert customers. Make a statement with professional photographs Before site visitors read what’s on your website, they assess it by checking […]

Ensure your privacy in Windows 10

Windows 10 helps users by giving useful suggestions as they type and by displaying ads based on their online searches. But these can feel invasive after a while. To ensure your privacy and keep Microsoft’s watchful eye off your computer activity, follow these tips. Turn off personalized advertising Windows 10 assigns each user an advertising […]