Android users threatened by Linux bug

In the Trojan War, a wooden horse wheeled into the city of Troy. Once night fell, the Greek army crept out of the hollow stallion and opened the city’s gates. Having breached the mighty fortress, the entire regiment eventually sealed their victory against the Trojans and won the war. The moral of the story is […]

Windows gets desktop Android notifications

Smartphones aren’t even ten years old, and they’re already one of the most essential pieces of our daily routines.In many ways they’ve actually surpassed desktop computers in their ability to keep us connected 24 hours a day. But they’re still a separate device, and that means awkward transitions when you get notifications while working on […]

Free up Android space with these 6 tips

Living in today’s mobile world, you want everything on the go with you: from songs to photos and videos of your most cherished moments, not forgetting all the latest apps, and all of a sudden, you run out of storage space. Before you start to get panic, try reading some of the tips below on […]

4 how-to’s for Android device printing

Communication is the heart of your small to medium-sized business; you write emails to customers, share documents and discuss projects with your teams over instant messaging apps, all when you’re on the move. But what if you’re trapped in an airport for hours and your colleagues need a document printed right there and then? Don’t […]

Why pair Android phone with Google Chrome?

What’s ice cream without syrup? What’s cocoa without marshmallows? What’s a computer without an Android phone and Google Chrome working hand in hand? The last analogy might sound less decadent and be a little harder to picture than the rest. That’s exactly why you should allow these five following benefits that every Android phone and […]

Microsoft is hanging up on Windows Phone

For the past couple of years, Microsoft’s smartphones have been struggling to keep up with Android and Apple devices. Although Microsoft sells their handsets at lower price points and are constantly trying to improve user experience, the Windows Phone just isn’t cutting it in the consumer market. So what’s happening to Microsoft’s smartphone business? Let’s […]

Android’s newest user interface features

The I/O conference is a chance to learn about everything new and exciting that Google is working on, and some of the new Android features are that, and more. Traditionally, operating system updates can range from barely visible interface tweaks to unavoidable features, and these are no different. Read on to see if any of […]

Will Microsoft’s new app strategy work?

Apps. We need them for entertainment, organization and for work. In the 21st century, more businesses need more apps to stay ahead of the competition. And as iOS and Android phones continue to dominate the market with popular apps, the lack of services available for Windows phones put Microsoft in a tough spot. Here is […]

Reduce data usage on your Android device

It’s the middle of the month and you’re waiting to meet a colleague outside a restaurant. As you wait, you idly browse the web and check emails, and then suddenly you’re hit with the notification you dread most. Your Android phone’s data is almost out. Questions race through your mind…how will I make it through […]

Get a faster Android by installing this app

We all know the benefits of a quick phone. You can accomplish your tasks quicker, easily connect with friends, and stay connected to the world while on the go. A little over a month back, it was reported that the Facebook app was slowing down Android phones everywhere. Today, we’d like to share with you […]