Debunking the top 4 virtualization myths

Unless you work in IT, you don’t need to understand the intricacies of most business technology. Complicated explanations usually just lead to misunderstandings, which is especially true for virtualization. Many of the things you’ve heard about it are false. Myth #1 – Virtualization is too expensive for SMBs Many people assume that the more advanced […]

Google suggests business-friendly phones

If you’re in the market for a new Android phone but overwhelmed with the number of options available, Google can help. They’ve recently published a set of standards of what constitutes a ‘business-friendly’ phone and has created a short list to help you decide. Google-approved devices Recently, Google launched Android Enterprise Recommended to make it […]

Tackling data storage issues in healthcare

Electronic health records (EHR) have enabled the healthcare industry to make spectacular advancements in patient care. But with this new technology comes concerns regarding privacy and security. While many companies are flocking to the cloud, some healthcare practices are creating better solutions with virtualization technology. What is virtualization? There are countless ways for healthcare practices […]

Microsoft rolls out junkware-free PCs

Are you tired of buying a new PC and getting a load of pre-installed crapware you don’t need? This unnecessary software runs concurrently with the app you’re using, often prompting you to upgrade it ASAP. Signature Edition PCs let you do away with all of it. What are Windows 10 Signature Edition PCs? Microsoft Windows […]

The three types of client virtualization

According to a Research and Markets report, client virtualization is expected to drive continual growth in the IT sector. Long gone are the days of tedious one-on-one interaction between servers and systems, it is now time to embrace the automated and virtualized alternative. Mainly, there are three options and here they are: Presentation virtualization As […]

Learning about virtualization licenses

Whether you only need a dozen, or a hundred, the process of deciding on and acquiring software licenses can be very frustrating. Many of us had hoped that cloud computing and virtualization would alleviate some of these headaches. Unfortunately, we’re not there yet, which is why it’s important to understand all of your licensing options […]

Should you virtualize your business?

Upgrading your hardware is an incredibly long, arduous and costly process. Fortunately, virtualization has become a popular, affordable and flexible solution to upgrade your network. However, before you start investing in virtualized systems, it’s important to consider the benefits and costs that come with this solution. Here are a few advantages and factors to consider […]

5 different types of virtualization

Companies of all sizes are embracing virtualization as a way to cut IT expenses, enhance security, and increase operational efficiency. While the benefits of virtualization are self-evident, many people are still in the dark when it comes to the many different types of virtualization. Here, we’ll show you some of the most common virtualization methods […]